In the first part about the Aurora Borealis night of September 7th, I wrote about the evening. Up to the point around 02.00 when activity dropped and I was ready to go back to my accomodation. Let’s continue from there.
Im ersten Teil über die Polarlichtnacht vom 7. September habe ich von den Polarlichtern am Abend geschrieben. Von Anbruch der Dunkelheit bis ca. um 2 Uhr. Die Aktivität hatte stark nachgelassen und ich war bereit zurück zur Hütte zu fahren. Und genau da geht es jetzt weiter.
Ensimmäisessä osassa revontuliyöstä syyskuun 7:stä kirjoitin illasta. Kello kahdelta olin valmis menemään mökille kun revontulien voimakkuus häipyi melkein kokonaan. Ja tuosta hetkestä tarina jatkuu.
It was time to sleep but.. more look at the data made clear the ‘real’ show might start just about now. Adrenaline was rising rapidly and then there was the question of where to go. Back to the evening spot? No, I had photos from there and wanted some other surroundings. I had a place in mind but it would take one hour to get there. What if the show intense but short? I would miss it completely. But it might be worth the risk. So I decided to drive and hike. Getting back on the road I drove just about one kilometer when the sky next to me lit up. OMG!! It was nuts! I pulled over at the next possibility and found myself on a bridge with water on both sides. That spot would have to do for now. I got out of the car, grabbed the camera and tripod and fired away.
It’s hard to explain.. words what was really happening in the sky. Big arcs of Northern lights kept coming in, rising up and exploding in coronas. Over and over again. I can remember only one other night being so busy for such a long time. And certainly no night talking so much to Lady Aurora, to my camera and to myself 🙂
The best way to describe is through photos. They tell the best story:
Which one of the five photos is your favorite?
For me it’s impossible to answer. They all have something in them. Looking forward to hear your opinions!
One last thing, getting photos of the aurora borealis like these five from one night is more than excellent. I’d be everytime over the moon having that. So to understand the madness of that night more, think about this fun fact: I took these photos within four (4) minutes!
Still to be continued…
For any comments and feedback, I’d be thankful. You can write a comment below or use the contact form for any questions regarding tours, etc.
WOW Thomas this are suds a magical photo’s and one day i hope to see her on this way. Even i am still happy that i have see here 😉
For me are picture 2 and 5 favorite.
Thanks for that, Marjo. 2 and 5 have that magic of the moon in it two 🙂 Hopefully you will see here dancing wild like this, it’s very different but all shapes are great. Enjoy the weekend!
Der absolute Wahnsinn!!!!! Innerhalb von 4min so atemberaubende Fotos, das ist wirklich ganz außergewöhnlich und eine denkwürdige Nacht, die wir dank deiner mitreißenden Schilderungen auch nicht so schnell vergessen werden. DANKE!
Für mich ist Foto 4 das beste, weil es scheint als würde ein grüner Nebel magisch auf dem Wasser liegen, das so klar ist, dass man die Steine auf dem Grund sehen kann.
Liebe Grüße und bis bald😉
Wahnsinn passt hier ziemlich gut, Mandy. Schön, dass ich euch durch den Blog mitnehmen konnte 🙂 Die Steine im Wasser bei Nr 4 gefallen mir auch gut. Liebe Grüsse zurück und bis bald schon 🙂
These are gorgeous. I always await your images with great anticipation.
Thanks so much, Patti. Glad you enjoy the imagery. Have a nice day 🙂
Hi Thomas…these photos are spectacular! I love them all, but my favourites are 4 & 5. #4 first because. I love the texture of the rocks in the water along with the reflection of of the beautiful Auroras!
Hi Kathy, thanks for your kind words. I love #4 too, those rocks give the water a nice depth. Enjoy your day 🙂