Right now
Hankasalmi, Finland
Court. Jyväskylän Sirius
The aurora season is over and most webcams are offline.
They will be online again at the end of August.
Magnetogram Sodankylä
Courtesy of sgo.fi
Solar Wind (Bz)
Solar Wind Speed (km/s)
Solar Wind Density (p/cc)
Ovation Model for Probability
3-Day Geomagnetic Forecast (Kp index)
27-Day Geomagnetic Forecast (Kp index)
Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the
AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams
Coronal holes
Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the
AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams
GOES X-Ray Flux 6-hour
GOES X-Ray Flux 3-day