Northern Lights Basecamp March
Register here – 5 seats available for 2025
The Northern Lights Basecamp March is a 7-night photo tour and takes place around the village of Hetta in Finnish Lapland just before the March equinox. Traditionally the weeks surrounding the equinox are providing very good chances to observe Northern lights. Your guide will be Tarja Prüss, a German-Finnish photographer and northern lights enthusiast.
Days and nights are usually not very cold anymore, making it easier to spend lots of time outside to explore winter wonderland with our cameras. Depending on nature’s mood we can still see snow-covered trees; lakes and rivers will be mostly frozen.
At night we will try and find the ever-mesmerizing Aurora Borealis. During the day you will have the possibility to either recover from the nights or explore the area. We will also have some daytime excursion to some beautiful nature locations and maybe even see some reindeer. Optionally, a husky tour and snowmobile tour can be arranged.
A maximum of six participants makes this an intimate photo tour. Each person will have a lot of time for in-depth discussions regarding camera settings, composition and anything else.
As always and everywhere, the weather is an unknown. The program and its order might change depending on the weather conditions.
Overview – Northern Lights Basecamp March
2025: 08-15 Mar 5 seats available
2026: date open
minimum 4 participants
maximum 6 participants
Required photography skills
The Northern Lights Basecamp March is open to all skill levels: for those who are mostly used to the auto-mode as well as for those knowing their camera very well. Of course it is also possible to go on this tour without a camera.
Required fitness level
For this tour a basic fitness level will be sufficient. We will have some short hikes through winter wonderland of maximum one hour to reach beautiful spots. During clear nights we will of course search for Northern lights.
Price per person with half board 2025
7 nights in a double room: EUR 3,390.00
Single room supplement: EUR 175.00
Early bird discount:
Book at least 6 months before the tour start to get a discount of EUR 100.00.
Your guide
Your guide for this tour will be Tarja Prüss.
Included in price
– transfer from/to Kittilä airport (KTT) at predefined times
– accommodation in Hetan Majatalo in double rooms with bathroom
– half board (breakfast and dinner included)
– aurora chasing every night
– daytime excursions to beautiful locations (almost every day)
– warm overalls & shoes
– all other transfers
Not included
– flights in and out of Kittilä (KTT)
– photo gear (tripod, camera, lenses)
– travel insurance or any other private insurances
– lunches & snacks during daytime (grocery store nearby)
– alcoholic drinks
Detailed information
Day 1
Our Northern Lights Basecamp March starts with the transfer from the airport Kittilä to Hetta. After this two-hour drive we will check into our accomodation Hetan Majatalo and enjoy our first dinner. Weather permitting, we grab our camera gear and head into the night to look for the Aurora Borealis.
Days 2-7
At night, we will try and find the Northern lights. In daytime we will do excursions to beautiful nature places, including a daytrip into Norway to visit to the wonderful Alta fjord in Alta, as well as a lecture on aurora photography. You will also have time to recover from the nights and/or explore the village of Hetta and its surroundings. If you like to join a husky tour, it can be arranged.
Day 8
After an early breakfast this tour will unfortunately come to an end and we will have to pack our things to drive to Kittilä airport.
All program is subject to weather and might change accordingly.
Hetta is located in the municipality Enontekiö in the Northwest corner of Lapland and around 800 people live there. Climate is arctic. The average temperature in the end March is about -5C (23F).
Hetta is located about 220km North of the Arctic circle, 35km South of the Norwegian border and right at the northern edge of Pallas-Ylläs national park.
In walking distance from our accomodation:
Shops and restaurants: 350m
Nearest lake: 500m (lake Ounasjärvi)

Tripod (needed)
Important for night photography and long exposure photos. The tripod will minimize camera shaking. Handheld photos in darkness will not be sharp. To adjust settings comfortably, the tripod should be nearly your height. If you don’t have a tripod, you can rent one for 25 Euros for your entire stay.
Camera (needed)
Most suitable will be a dSLR camera where you can exchange lenses. Your camera needs to have the option of manual focus and a complete manual mode which allows you to adjust aperture, exposure time and ISO separately. There are also a bunch of suitable mirrorless cameras out there. Pocket cameras with a zoom might be ok in some cases.
Lenses (at least one needed)
For night and aurora photography you should bring a fast lens (meaning wide aperture, with a small f-number like f/2.8 or better) to make the most of the available light. Lenses with f/4.0 are doing fine also but you might have to crank up the ISO. Auroras often stretch all across the sky. To capture a big part of it, you want to have a wide-angle lens (24mm or wider).
For daytime photography it is good to have a basic zoom (24-70mm, 24-120mm or the like). The variety helps you to create diverse photo compositions.
Remote control (optional)
Use during night photography or long exposures. The remote allows you to take photos without touching the camera to avoid blurry photos.
Filters (optional)
If you want to take photos of smooth water or moving clouds, you will need a neutral density filter. A polarizer can be used to create better contrast between white clouds and blue sky. A graduaded ND filter will help to balance the light difference of ground and sky.
Head lamp / Flashlight (useful)
Will be important during the night. If you can get a head lamp with a red light option, it will be helpful.
Spare batteries (useful)
In cold nights your batteries will discharge faster than usually. It will be important to have at least two extra battery with you. Using hand warmers, you can revive the batteries to get the last bit of energy out of them.
To read more about aurora photography, check out my aurora guide ‘Fox Fires’, part 4.
Make sure you have the right clothing. With average temperatures of -2…-10C (28…14F) in the end of March, you need to be prepared. During the night it can be pretty cold, sometimes about -20C (-4F). You will receive an overall and thick shoes but under it it is important to have several layers.
Bottom layer
Best is a woolen layer. For example, merino wool is excellent.
Middle layers
Another woolen layer and some fleece layers usually work well.
Top layer (under the overall)
Top your layers off with a winter jacket, best for them will be windproof.
Shoes, socks and gloves
They will be essential as your toes and fingers will be one of the biggest challenges to keep warm. Hand and toe warmers can easily be purchased online. Important: Operating the camera in the cold without gloves can be tough. Get a thin pair with which you are able to press the camera buttons. These thin gloves can be worn under thick ones.
Head, face and ears
Make sure to properly protect your head and ears against the cold. Having a windproof, fur type of hat with ear flaps makes a big difference. A balaclava helps to keep your face warm, especially your nose and cheeks.
Thermos bottle
For hot juice, tea or coffee to keep you warm during our excursions.
Hand/Toe/Body Warmers
In case your fingers, toes or other body parts tend to get cold, it is good to bring warmers. There are many different brands, some sell variety packs like this one.
To backup your photos from the camera and editing. If we are extremely unlucky with the weather, we will do some post processing in Lightroom.
15% due within 14 days after registration
85% due latest 30 days before tour start
Cancellation and refunds
Up to 60 days before tour start: Full refund minus an administration fee of EUR 100.00
59-30 days before tour start: 85% refund of the entire trip’s cost
29-15 days before tour start: 50% refund of the entire trip’s cost
Less than 15 days before tour start: 5% refund of the entire trip’s cost
Covid-19 information
Here you find informationen about the precautions, measures and rules during the tours, the refund and rebooking options and the travel regulations into Finland concerning the Covid-19 Virus.
Feedback from participants
Here you can read what participants wrote, who were already on this photo tour. On the Testimonials-page feedback from all the tours is put together.
Unsere Polarlichttour hat unsere Erwartungen im vollsten Umfang erfüllt. Das ging schon bei der Vorbereitung los. Eine Teams-Konferenz zum Kennenlernen und Fragen stellen. So konnten wir gut vorbereitet nach Kittilä starten, wo wir von Tarja und Thomas erwartet worden. Unsere Reiseleiterin auf der Tour war Tarja – jemand mit mehr Landeskunde wird man kaum finden – schließlich sind ja einige Reiseführer über Finnland von ihr (und einer ist gerade neu erschienen!).
Das Hotel Hetan Majatalo ist traumhaft schön und klein genug, dass es schön ruhig ist (und der Ausgang zum Nordlichtfotopunkt ist kein Meter von der Zimmertür entfernt). Schöne Landschaft direkt vor der Haustür, wir haben es genutzt, zum Fotografieren, Lichtmalen und für “Wasserspiele” – wer mal bei -25 Grad heißes Wasser über sich geworfen hat, weiß, was ich meine.
Wir haben mit Tarja die nahe (und ferne) Umgebung erkundet und viel Spaß gehabt und natürlich auch sehr viele schöne Fotos gemacht. In 3 Nächten gab es Polarlichter, gar nicht so schlecht.
Der Höhepunkt neben den Polarlichtern war der Besuch einer Rentierherde irgendwo in der weiten Landschaft – einen solchen Ausflug kann ich jedem nur empfehlen. Und die Ausflugskosten decken die Verpflegung für eine Woche für die Herde – also auch noch eine gute Tat.
Wir haben schon beschlossen, dass es garantiert einen Nachfolgetermin geben wird, vielleicht auch im Oktober, die Farben müssen dann herrlich sein und Nordlichter gibt es da auch schon.
Wir haben jetzt nur ein Problem: All die schönen Bilder müssen be- und verarbeitet werden!
Ich habe im März 22 an der Polarlicht Base Camp Tour von Thomas teilgenommen. Es war phantastisch, eine meiner besten Reisen ever.
Thomas hat seine Leidenschaft für Lady Aurora mit uns geteilt und wir haben unglaubliche Nächte mit Polarlichtern erlebt. Unsere Gruppe war klasse- international, klein, witzig und es gab viele poetische Momente in dieser großartigen Natur. Thomas ist auf die Wünsche der Teilnehmer eingegangen, ohne den roten Faden zu verlieren. Huskytour, eine Schneemobiltour mit Samen zu ihren Rentieren, Fjorde in Norwegen,… als Base ein familiäres Hotel, sehr entspannt mit der kleinen Sauna, gutem Essen und warmen Zimmern mit viel Holz. Thomas ist super professionell und gleichzeitig warmherzig und Ruhe ausstrahlend.
Danke Thomas und auch der Gruppe für diese unvergessliche Reise.
Die größtmögliche Wahrscheinlichkeit Polarlichter zu sehen hat man mit Thomas Kast – einem absoluten Polarlicht-Guru. Seine jahrelange Erfahrung und die optimale Vorbereitung sind goldwert. Er kennt wunderbare Plätze, um dieses Naturwunder zu bestaunen und findet immer noch irgendwo eine Wolkenlücke, um Lady Aurora zu sehen. Dafür fährt er seine Gäste jederzeit mitten durch die Nacht und bringt die dann müde und überglückliche Gruppe sicher ins Hotel zurück. Er hilft mit großer Geduld beim Fotografieren, sodass man unvergessliche Eindrücke mit nach Hause nehmen kann. Das Fotografieren ist allerdings kein Muss – man kann auch einfach nur sprachlos staunen, die Erinnerungen speichern und schlussendlich eines von Thomas‘ tollen Fotos erwerben.
Tagsüber macht er Ausflüge zu magischen Orten, um die Schneelandschaft zu genießen und gibt auch hier tolle Tipps, wie man zum Beispiel fließendes Wasser fotografiert.
Jederzeit kann man sich mit speziellen Wünschen an ihn wenden, sei es eine Fahrt mit Schlittenhunden oder der Besuch einer Rentierherde mit Informationen aus erster Hand durch Sami. Dank seiner jahrelangen, guten Kontakte findet er immer eine Möglichkeit der Realisierung.
Alles in allem kann ich eine Reise mit Thomas jedem empfehlen, der Polarlichter sehen möchte und die individuelle, erfolgversprechende sowie sehr flexible Betreuung einer Gruppenreise vorzieht.
Thomas @ Salamapaja aka space cowboy was the perfect knowledgeable guide and careful host. As part of a small group (Northern Lights Camp March 2022) we were sure to have a lot of luck finding amazing northern lights, since Thomas was keeping an expert eye on the space weather and for the best terrestrial conditions, we were indeed successful for 5 nights out of 7! Daytime would not be idle either, with excursions to either Norway, or into Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park, or having lunch with reindeer herders out in remote hills. Thomas is an excellent professional photographer who also teaches you how to improve your own shots. On top of that, he made sure to arrange snowshoes and spacesuits so we could just focus on enjoying our expeditions. Many thanks to Thomas for a great time in Finnish Lapland!
Any questions?
If you have questions related to the Northern Lights Basecamp March, your photo gear or anything else, please use the contact form.