Welcome to Salamapaja!
Browse through our award-winning photography tours in Northern Finland and read testimonials of participants. We would be happy to welcome you at one of our photo tours! You also can have a look at the photo gallery and video section. If you have any questions, please contact us. Enjoy your stay!

German flag Willkommen bei Salamapaja!
Stöbern Sie durch unsere Fotoreisen in Nordfinnland an und lesen Sie Bewertungen der Teilnehmer. Wir würden uns freuen, Sie bei einer Reise zu begrüssen! Schauen sie sich gerne die Fotogallerie oder Videos an. Falls Sie Fragen haben, nutzen Sie einfach das Kontaktformular. Geniessen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt!

Finnish flag Tervetuloa Salamapajaan!
Voitte tutustua meidän retkiin ja kuvausmatkoihin, jotka pidetään Pohjois-Suomessa ja voitte lukea osallistujien arvioinnit läpi. Tervetuloa myös selata kuvagalleria tai videoita. Jos on kysymyksiä, voitte ottaa yhteyttä yhteydenottolomakkeen kautta. Mukavaa vierailua!

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Tripadvisor 2023 Travellers Choice-300x354
Tripadvisor 2022 Travellers Choice-300x354

“2024 Travelers’ Choice” award from Tripadvisor

Salamapaja has been recognized by Tripadvisor as a 2024 Travelers’ Choice award winner for the forth time after 2023, 2022 and 2019! The award celebrates businesses that have consistently received great traveller reviews over the past 12 months, placing these winners among the 10% of all listings on Tripadvisor globally. You can read reviews from participants also on the Testimonials page.

Thanks so much to those participants who took the time to write a review about their experience!

If you joined a tour and would like to leave a review, you can do that either on the Tripadvisor page or via the contact form.

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Tours & Workshops

Here you can see tours and workshops. For an overview of events in English click here.

German flag Hier sehen Sie die Fotoreisen und Workshops. Um eine Übersicht der Veranstaltungen auf deutsch zu sehen, klicken Sie bitte hier.

Finnish flag Täältä näkyy kuvausmatkat ja työpajat. Suomenkielinen tarjonta löytyy täältä.

A new Guide

It is my great pleasure to share with you, that my good friend Tarja Prüss will be guiding the Aurora Basecamps in March and October for Salamapaja starting this year. Tarja has roots in Finland and lives in Germany. She is very knowledgable about the Finnish culture, loves the nature, photography and luckily also the northern lights ? Anyone participating tours with her will be in good hands. Welcome, Tarja!?

Read more about Tarja here.

Web shop for Print and Wall Art

Visit my webshop for prints! Go and have a look, maybe you find a piece of magic which should be on your wall..?

Print webshop

Astronomy Photographer of the Year
Winner Skyscapes

In September 2020, my photo ‘Painting the sky‘ won the ‘Skyscapes’ category in this years ‘Astronomy Photographer of the Year’ contest from the Royal Museums Greenwich! You can see all winners here.

You can read in my blog about the day I took this photo and see here the Awards Ceremony which was held online.

Painting the sky

Aurora Borealis

Below is a link to the Aurora Guide “Fox Fires” I wrote.

German flag Unten befindet sich ein Link zum Handbuch für Polarlicht “Feuerfüchse”, welches ich geschrieben habe.

Finnish flag Alhaalla on linkit englannin- ja saksankielisiin revontuli -oppaisiin.
