Covid-19 information in English
Covid-19 Informationen auf Deutsch
Your safe, worry-free experience during the tours and you being able to enjoy what nature has in store for us, are the very important for me. To achieve that, we will follow some ground rules. It requires flexibility and consideration for others, things I’m sure we all value. With the small groups of maximum six participants the safety distance of 1,5m is easily maintainable (except while driving) and will be a good basis for a wonderful time together.
Please find the information about the precautions, measures and rules during our tours and workshops regarding the Covid-19 virus below.

Information regarding travel into Finland
The most current information regarding rules and restrictions for travel into Finland can be found from these pages:
Refund and rebooking options
Especially during this time of uncertainty, I understand that booking a tour is not an easy decision for anyone. Therefore I want to keep the financial risk for you as small as possible.
Should the travel restrictions – due to the Covid-19 virus situation – in your country or in Finland change shortly before the tour start, you will have two options:
- Option 1:
Change your booking to participate in another tour later on. Choosing this option, you will be refunded everything except the 15% registration fee for the tour of your choice. - Option 2:
A complete refund (100%) of your payment.
For any other cancellation reasons, the standard terms apply.
All around the driving
Face masks
During our drives, you will be required to use face masks which cover both, mouth and nose. In that way, we all protect each other and can enjoy the ride, rather than worrying. You are of course welcome to keep the mask on in other situations as well.
! Please bring your own set of face masks, the ones which work best for you in terms of comfort and safety feeling. As there are many different forms, materials and safety levels, having your own masks will be the best way to have a wonderful time tour.
In case you run out or don’t have your own face masks, you will get a package of basic one-time use face masks.
- While we drive in the ‘Bussle’, everyone is required to wear a face mask.
- During long drives, we will stop several times to be out in fresh air.
- When we get our camera gear from the back, it can be crowded, especially if we are excited seeing good lights. We will keep the masks still on, but once you have your gear and step back, enjoy and explore nature mask-free – keeping the safety distance of 1,5m in mind.
Hand sanitizer
- there will be several dispensers in the van.
- during multi-day tours every participant will get a small bottle of hand sanitizer for their own use.
The van a.k.a ‘Bussle’
After each daytime or night excursion following will be wiped with disinfectant:
- all door handles inside and outside
- the interior surfaces below the windows
- the panels and switches for windows, light, air vent regulators and radio
- On most of my tours, you can book a single room with own toilet and shower.
- All rooms have either a little fridge or a kitchenette.
- All accommodations have a water boiler where you can make hot tea
- In most accommodations, a breakfast basked can be arranged, in case you prefer to have breakfast on your own.
- The accommodations have raised their cleaning and hygiene level for rooms and cottages.
- Their staff is using enhanced safety measures to ensure your safety.
In case you are not comfortable visiting the local shop for some basic groceries or snacks, this can be arranged on your behalf.
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please use the contact form or email me.