Hei Thomas, luen aina mielelläni sinun blogiasi ja katson ihaillen uskomattoman kauniita kuvia. Sinulla on todellakin taito vangita revontulia ja suomen luontoa kaikkina vuodenaikoina.
Blogin tilaamiskohdassa on jokin virhe, silllä kun kirjoitan siihen oman s-postiosoitteeni se ilmoittaa punaisella taustalla: mm. You don’t have permission to access /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php on this server. Tämä kannattaa sinun tarkistaa.
Ystävällisin terveisin Virpi
26/07/2017 at 09:43
Hei Virpi,
kiitos kommentista ja mukavista sanoistasi. On kyllä tosi kiva kuulla että nautit kuvistani. Joo, tilaamisnappi pitää korjata, hyvä kun kerroit siitä. Ilmoitelen kun asia on korjattu. Toivottavasti pian 🙂
Mukavaa kesäpäivää
Helena Ancil
25/07/2017 at 08:22
Splendid! I love scenes like this…The sun’s rising is the final touch, in a theatrical environment.
26/07/2017 at 09:46
Thanks for the kind words, Helena! The yellow color on the right horizon is unfortunately not the sun rise but artificial lights from a village. Glad to have you here, enjoy your day! 🙂
25/07/2017 at 12:47
Salut from France,
Hopefully I speak english. I went to Iceland and Norway to see aurora borealis. I saw one very gorgeous in Norway near the russian boarder.
I find your website very nice and your snapshots are very very amazing as if you are part of the Nature.
Weldone and continue what you are doing with your camera !
26/07/2017 at 09:48
Hello Anne, bonjour,
your English is great! Glad you found your way to my blog. So happy to hear you saw the aurora borealis. I suppose you were somewhere near Kirkenes? I’ve never seen auroras in Iceland – yet.
Have a lovely day,
Matthew B
26/07/2017 at 19:32
Nice update Thomas! Looking forward to seeing the broadcast. Can you translate? Just kidding… but no really, I don’t speak German or French. Nice pictures and trailer as well. Glad to see some recent posts.
26/07/2017 at 21:13
Hey Matthew, nice to see you here! It’s good to be back finally. Sure, I can translate, got nothing else to do haha 🙂 I’m afraid there are no English subtitles. Have a nice day!
Helena Ancil
26/07/2017 at 23:14
I am looking forward to seeing the video,very much. The initial stills look as promising as ever!!
I read that you are going to translate for us non German/ French speakers. For this I too am grateful and am humbled!!
Thank you, in anticipation!!
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
27/07/2017 at 10:16
Hi Helena, good to hear from you. It’s very exciting how the video will come out. I’m sorry if my writing was misleading. Unfortunately I will not be able to translate that all for the non German/French speakers. It would be too much. Hope you understand. Have a nice afternoon!
27/07/2017 at 03:11
Thank you for posting your beautiful photographs! Someday, I hope to see an Aurora live and in person!
27/07/2017 at 10:18
Hello Alison, thanks for your kind words! I’m sure you would love the Aurora dance. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you will see it someday 🙂
27/07/2017 at 03:13
Hi Thomas….looking forward to watching the upcoming video. How exciting of an experience for you…..hope more adventures come your way ?
27/07/2017 at 10:20
Hi Kathy, thanks so much for your kind words! I’m not sure if to work was more exciting or the anticipation of watching the result for the first time 🙂 Have a great day
27/07/2017 at 12:01
Time blocked on my calendar, reminders set, looking forward to seeing you on tv during my lunch break!
Seriously, congratulations! This is incredible. They were very smart to book you as their guide.
27/07/2017 at 15:02
Hello Janina, sounds great! They sure know how to book the right guide haha 🙂 Enjoy your day
29/07/2017 at 09:33
Hi Thomas,
On Thursday it was a great challenge for me to leave my work in time to be at home when the TV Show on Arte starts. Fortunately I did it somehow?
When I was watching you and the surrounding of Hetta on TV I felt a little bit like coming home. Seeing the wounderful landscapes in Lapland and you passionately speaking about auroras was a pleasure. Recognizing even some beautiful pictures of you made me very happy. CONGRATULATIONS??
I can hardly wait to come back soon!
31/07/2017 at 14:40
Hi Mandy,
Great to see you here! And I’m happy you caught the show on Arte. Surely it brought many nice memories back to you, seeing familiar spots from our tours. When I saw the production I didn’t even remember the photos and was surprised seeing them 🙂 Thanks for your kind comment & enjoy your day!
18/09/2017 at 17:54
to be continued… 🙂 looking forward to hearing and see more!!! THANKS!
18/09/2017 at 18:12
Glad you enjoyed it, Janina 🙂 I’m pretty sure the word mind-blowing sums up the next part 🙂 Have a lovely day
Marjo Slingerland-Boks
18/09/2017 at 18:53
What a fantastic blog and suds a beautiful pictures Thomas 🙂
19/09/2017 at 07:06
Thanks, Marjo, happy you like it. Have a nice day 🙂
18/09/2017 at 19:26
love it !
19/09/2017 at 07:06
Thanks, Francesco, danke dir 🙂 Viele Grüsse
18/09/2017 at 20:17
Enjoyed that mo chara, will be waiting for part Two
19/09/2017 at 07:07
Glad to hear, Micheál. Part two is in the making, so to say.
18/09/2017 at 22:54
Looking forward to the next instalment. You always capture amazing shots of the aurora
19/09/2017 at 07:08
Thanks for the kind words, Jan. Auroras are definitely my passion 🙂 Have a wonderful day
19/09/2017 at 03:15
So looking forward to part 2….such a beautiful evening on the water & sky!
19/09/2017 at 07:11
It surely was, Kathy. The aurora borealis was great and I would have been happily gone back to sleep with these photos in my pocket. Have a great day!
20/09/2017 at 19:11
Reading your Blog and enjoying your beautiful photos saved my day. Can’ t wait to find out more details about this unique experience. Wish I could have been there.
21/09/2017 at 07:31
Glad to hear the photos helped you, Frank! It was really something and I’m sure you will enjoy the next photos as well. You would have loved it under the skies!
Hello, really for me it is the second one. More colours, I like it better. Phil from Geneva , Switzerland
26/09/2017 at 07:22
Thanks, Phil. I suppose it is more dynamic and that hint of purple does some magic 🙂 Greetings to Geneva!
25/09/2017 at 22:26
Molemmat ovat upeita, mutta toi toinen otos on vaan lumoavampi väreineen ja muotoineen,
26/09/2017 at 07:24
Kiitti, Maria. Siinä kyllä jotain dynaamisempi kun ekalla. Itse tykkään kun on pikku aavistus violetistä 🙂 Mukavaa päivää sinulle
29/09/2017 at 06:00
Molemmat hyviä. Toinen kuva tuo mieleen taivaan urut. Lieneekö J. S. Bach soittelemassa?
29/09/2017 at 06:42
Kyllä Bachin musiikki olisi sopinut tuohon. Vaikka joku Toccata. Mielenkiintoinen havainto, kiitos!
Marjo Slingerland-Boks
29/09/2017 at 10:54
WOW Thomas this are suds a magical photo’s and one day i hope to see her on this way. Even i am still happy that i have see here 😉
For me are picture 2 and 5 favorite.
29/09/2017 at 12:31
Thanks for that, Marjo. 2 and 5 have that magic of the moon in it two 🙂 Hopefully you will see here dancing wild like this, it’s very different but all shapes are great. Enjoy the weekend!
29/09/2017 at 19:14
Der absolute Wahnsinn!!!!! Innerhalb von 4min so atemberaubende Fotos, das ist wirklich ganz außergewöhnlich und eine denkwürdige Nacht, die wir dank deiner mitreißenden Schilderungen auch nicht so schnell vergessen werden. DANKE!
Für mich ist Foto 4 das beste, weil es scheint als würde ein grüner Nebel magisch auf dem Wasser liegen, das so klar ist, dass man die Steine auf dem Grund sehen kann.
Liebe Grüße und bis bald😉
02/10/2017 at 11:02
Wahnsinn passt hier ziemlich gut, Mandy. Schön, dass ich euch durch den Blog mitnehmen konnte 🙂 Die Steine im Wasser bei Nr 4 gefallen mir auch gut. Liebe Grüsse zurück und bis bald schon 🙂
Patti Barrett
30/09/2017 at 01:23
These are gorgeous. I always await your images with great anticipation.
02/10/2017 at 11:03
Thanks so much, Patti. Glad you enjoy the imagery. Have a nice day 🙂
02/10/2017 at 02:01
Hi Thomas…these photos are spectacular! I love them all, but my favourites are 4 & 5. #4 first because. I love the texture of the rocks in the water along with the reflection of of the beautiful Auroras!
02/10/2017 at 11:04
Hi Kathy, thanks for your kind words. I love #4 too, those rocks give the water a nice depth. Enjoy your day 🙂
14/10/2017 at 11:49
Very nice pics. Can’t say which I like most.
Matthew Brend
16/10/2017 at 18:05
Beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more.
17/10/2017 at 06:31
Glad you like it, Matthew. Lots more coming, it’s tough to keep up with clear nights ahead 🙂
Marjo Slingerland-Boks
16/10/2017 at 18:08
I have say it earlier Thomas i have so many respect for you to do this hard work. Also I can understand it. What a lovely and beautiful picture from her. Waiting for more beautiful pictures here 😊
17/10/2017 at 06:33
There is just something about this phenomenom which keeps me going. You saw her, so you know what I mean 🙂 Thanks for your kind words!
17/10/2017 at 20:12
Somehow this reminds me of a book called “The restaurant at the end of the world”.
Maybe it’s perspective, cannot see anything behind the cabin. Only raging auroras on the sky
I like this picture very much.
21/10/2017 at 19:24
Thanks Juha, your reminder isn’t too wrong. The world does not end behind cabin but the land does. Barents Sea is all there is then towards North. Glad you like this one. Have a nice weekend 🙂
17/10/2017 at 20:13
Sorry! The book is of course “The restaurant at the end of universe”
18/10/2017 at 10:26
Hi Thomas…you have such a gift for seeing the beauty in Mother Natures & getting the perfect photos…thanks for sharing…looking forward to more.📷
21/10/2017 at 19:26
Hi Kathy, thanks for the kind words, glad you like it. Mother Nature shows us so many nice things, I think it’s just about keeping the eyes wide open 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!
24/10/2017 at 20:08
Ride of Valkyries? Or Come to Daddy.
Very nice composition anyway.
25/10/2017 at 10:47
Thanks for these, Juha. I like the second one 🙂
31/10/2017 at 23:26
Simply magical. Thank you for spreading a sense of peace and quiet with your stunning photos. 💙
10/11/2017 at 10:23
I’m so glad that my photos have this effect. Thanks for the kind words, Janina 🙂
02/11/2017 at 18:59
Einfach unglaublich schön. Und was für eine wundervolle Stimmung.
Fantastisch was der Frost in der Natur zaubert.
10/11/2017 at 10:24
Ja, da nimmt man doch gerne die Temperaturen in Kauf! Danke dir, Mandy
09/11/2017 at 04:51
Two beauties in one shot👍🏻 Perfect composition.
10/11/2017 at 10:21
Thanks so much, Mandy! 🙂 It was fun to do some different photos with auroras in the background.
Heiner Grosse-Ruyken
09/11/2017 at 22:39
Hallo Thomas, ganz tolle Bilder. Bekomme Heimweh nach Oulu und nördlich. Bin ein alter Fennofiili und durfte in den Siebzigern und Achtzigern ähnliche schöne Bilder im Raum Kemijärvi sehen. Heute sendest du sie mir frei Haus. Vielen Dank.
10/11/2017 at 10:22
Hallo Heiner, vielen Dank für dein Kommentar. Oh, in der Zeit wäre ich gerne hier gewesen. Es würde mich sehr interessieren, was in den Siebzigern über Polarlichter bekannt war 🙂 Viele Grüsse
Heiner Grosse-Ruyken
09/11/2017 at 22:45
Pakkanen paukuu nurkissa!
10/11/2017 at 10:24
Ah, du sprichst auch Finnisch, hieno homma!
Virpi Flankkila
12/11/2017 at 19:59
Kyllä on kaunista !
12/11/2017 at 21:27
Kiitoksia, Virpi! Oli se upea hetki siellä. Mukavaa alkuviikkoa 🙂
12/11/2017 at 21:00
Carried away by a moonlight shadow…. Magic picture!
12/11/2017 at 21:27
Thank you, Juha. That song is very fitting 🙂
12/11/2017 at 23:28
A Beacon of light calling for the Frost Flowers to rise & be seen for their beauty❄
13/11/2017 at 13:10
What a lovely caption, Kathy, thank you! Enjoy your Monday 🙂
mag. elfriede kampl
13/11/2017 at 12:03
ich hab´s unbedingt auf meiner facebook-seite teilen müssen — danke für deine traumhaften bilder — glg elfriede
13/11/2017 at 19:10
Ja, super, Elfriede. Das freut mich aber 🙂 glgz, Thomas
Helga Klüsener
21/11/2017 at 17:21
Ein Traum!
22/11/2017 at 19:30
Dankeschön, Helga 🙂 Da ist man plötzlich hellwach! Viele Grüsse
22/11/2017 at 18:17
Wie ein Sommernachtstraum. Wunderschön und unglaublich idyllisch. Für diese paar Minuten wartet man doch gern stundenlang mitten in der Nacht.
22/11/2017 at 19:30
Ja, aber sowas von 🙂 Was besseres gibt es fast nicht. Viele Grüsse
02/12/2017 at 23:02
Jaki piękny swiat! Gratuluję foto:)
05/12/2017 at 21:01
Thank you, glad you like it. Have a nice day 🙂
19/12/2017 at 20:28
Das blaue Licht am Saana passt gut zum grün der Polarlichter.
Klasse Farben.
21/12/2017 at 14:23
Ja, das war etwas besonderes. Am nächsten Abend hat dann ‘nur’ das Mondlicht und etwas Polarlicht den Saana angestrahlt 🙂
Virpi Flankkila
23/12/2017 at 07:14
Kiitos blogeista ja kauniista kuvista . Toivon sinulle ja perheellesi oikein mukavaa ja rauhallista Joulun aikaa ja riemukasta Uutta Vuuotta :))
23/12/2017 at 08:42
Kiitos paljon, Virpi. Sinullekin rauhallista joulun aikaa ja hyvä alku uudelle vuodelle 🙂
Jacqueline Reynolds
23/12/2017 at 10:53
Your photos are beautiful and I always look forward to seeing them..will look forward to seeing more in the new year..a very happy Christmas to you.
23/12/2017 at 22:03
Thanks for your kind words, Jaqueline, you’ll see a lot in the new year 🙂 Happy holidays!
23/12/2017 at 19:34
So beautiful! Touching photos of lovely Finland.
23/12/2017 at 22:03
Thanks for commenting, Stella. Glad you enjoy the photos 🙂
24/12/2017 at 15:23
Merry Christmas! Thank you for impressing photos of northern lights. I always wait impatiently for your new posts. Elzbieta
24/12/2017 at 20:02
Thank you for your patience, Elzbieta! I’d love to post more frequently but this autumn the days didn’t have enough hours. Merry Christmas 🙂
03/01/2018 at 18:29
WOW, hard to imagine a more beautiful way to spend New Year’s Eve 💙💚❄️ Thank you for always sharing with us!!!
04/01/2018 at 08:23
Glad you liked it! Indeed, this is the best way and the best fireworks one can see 🙂
Jacqueline Reynolds
03/01/2018 at 19:07
Loved reading this and seeing the amazing photos and video…what a way to see the new year in..top of my list to see the aurora!!💚💜⛄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
04/01/2018 at 08:24
Thanks, Jacqueline, so happy to hear that. You’d love to see those lights dancing, I’m sure! 🙂
04/01/2018 at 09:28
Szczesliwego Nowego Roku oraz w dalszym ciagu przepieknych zdjęć zorzy!
04/01/2018 at 13:42
Thank you, Elzbieta! Luckily there is translation online, so you can keep writing in your own language 🙂 happy new year!
05/01/2018 at 03:34
Aww Thomas…just a beautiful way to bring in the new year, with such lovely photos! I especially love the first with the moon in the trees….thank you for these, as they are uplifting to the spirit! Happy New Year to you & your family.🎆📷⛄
05/01/2018 at 22:46
Surely the best way to celebrate, I agree, Kathy 🙂 That moonlight is my favorite too! Almost more magical than the Northern lights in that winter landscape. Happy New Year to your family too 🙂
08/01/2018 at 15:14
It has been an unfogettable night!!! Thank you Thomas!!!
09/01/2018 at 17:14
Hi, so glad to know you enjoyed this tour 🙂 Have a great day!
Wonderful impression oft the short winterdaysl I’d wish to be there, too…
06/02/2018 at 12:35
Even the days are still kind of short, the light is that much more magical. You should come and visit soon!
06/02/2018 at 15:28
You are a master in seeking nature’s beauty most of us overlook. As always, thank you for sharing your vision! Looking forward to what’s happening in good time 💙
06/02/2018 at 17:39
The beauty is out there. Everyone can master seeing it, we just have to keep our eyes and mind open 🙂
07/02/2018 at 20:56
I like it because of the tracks leading to somewhere far away. I imagine the sky painter has walked there and done that beautiful sight. Thank you, Thomas!
08/02/2018 at 15:43
That’s a nice thought about the sky painter, Juha. I love these tracks and always search for them in snow. Have a nice day 🙂
11/02/2018 at 06:14
Eerily beautiful…thanks for sharing & for astronomy lesson Thomas.
13/02/2018 at 09:50
Thanks for the kind comment, Kathy. Have a nice day 🙂
14/02/2018 at 08:42
Kakslauttanen was created by Jussi Eiramo in 1974 after he fell in love with the beautiful nature of Lapland, having gotten stranded there when he ran out of fuel.
14/02/2018 at 14:11
Very true. Read the story about that. Somethings the right things happen 🙂
17/02/2018 at 02:57
As always Thomas…the beauty in your photos are beautiful & thought provoking in wonderful ways…love this! 🌗❄️
18/02/2018 at 12:59
Thanks so much, Kathy. Have a lovely Sunday 🙂
27/02/2018 at 21:15
Hast du dein Mondbild bekommen? Sind sehr schöne Bilder. Das rechte Bild kommt mir bekannt vor😉
01/03/2018 at 14:53
Hm, bin nicht sicher, welches Mondbild du meinst, Frank. Bin aber mit der Ausbeute einigermassen zufrieden 🙂 Rechts war etwas südlicher aber Strassenpolarlichter hatten wir ja auch Anfang des Jahres 😉 Viele Grüsse
08/03/2018 at 22:26
I think the top photo is the best. It’s because of your lighting, the tops of a few trees and then the snow trails also brightened by your flashlight. I didn’t see the animal tracks for awhile due to the upward focus due to lighting. If you get another try I hope you can get some friends with bright flashlights to experiment with differing lighting patterns, you probably will get more shots of beauty as are these. Overall this is a very stunning photo, I just love it! Congratulations on your happy accident. Regards Robert
09/03/2018 at 18:26
Thanks for writing your thoughts, Robert. I most definitely will try out more with snowflakes and you are right, it would be great to have someone with me. It was nearly impossible to remember the position. Intrigued by the idea of more than one flashlight too. Have a great day 🙂
10/03/2018 at 11:38
Absolutely beautiful images …smokin !! man it looks cold , hope you’ve got some herbal medicine to keep you warm..
keep up the great work..regards from Australia
12/03/2018 at 18:01
Hi Rok, thanks a bunch! It wasn’t too cold, just gotta wear enough layers 🙂 Greetings to Australia!
Jacqueline Reynolds
11/03/2018 at 17:09
Beautiful pics as always..love seeing the winters landscapes and aurora too of course.thank you for sharing this with us…you have the best job ever!⛄️❄️😀Jacqueline…
12/03/2018 at 18:02
Thanks so much, Jacqueline. I can’t complain about the job 😀 Many greetings!
Jacqueline Reynolds
30/04/2018 at 10:37
Beautiful!!i love the winter pics but so lovely seeing everywhere comeback to life and Spring taking hold.as always thank you for sharing with us…💫💫💫
30/04/2018 at 12:17
Thanks, Jacqueline! Even as a winter person, it’s hard not be drawn to the magic of spring 🙂 Have a lovely day
10/06/2018 at 09:05
Hi! My favorite is Haze. Makes me want to wander and reveal the secrets hidden in haze.
10/06/2018 at 13:59
Haze is a good choice, especially for the reason you write. There seems to be so much to discover 🙂
anna marin
23/07/2018 at 06:04
Oioioi!! 🙂 is like “WOOOW!!” My mom is russian we used always to say oi oi oi!! when to exclamate a biiig surprise! Awesomr foto!! Amaising! ♥
23/07/2018 at 14:47
Oi oi oi, so happy to hear it’s used in Russian, such a small world 🙂 Glad you like the photo to, Anna. Have a nice day 🙂
12/08/2018 at 11:09
Wounderful! Love these boats, NLCs and the Lady dancing for the first time this season. Loosing some sleep was the very best decision last night!
12/08/2018 at 15:12
Thank you, Mandy! This is only the third time I managed to capture the aurora-NLC combo, so sleep really isn’t too important 🙂
Juha Miettinen
19/10/2018 at 10:07
Haha! Nice trick. I like winter more. Winter is a promise of new summer. Autumn is the leftovers of summer.
19/10/2018 at 12:11
Thanks Juha! I like your logic with the leftovers and promise.
21/10/2018 at 12:10
Beautiful pictures and nice animation. Makes me want to visit Finland again… The nature is just so beautiful!
Still great memories of our aurora tour in Oulu. I felt in love with the northern countries…
Greetings from Belgium
21/10/2018 at 12:47
Cheers, Michael! Hope you’ll have a chance to come back soon. So glad to hear our tour stayed in your memory. Greetings from Oulu 🙂
Pat Daigle
24/12/2018 at 19:44
Beautiful as always. Merry Christmas to you and your family Thomas.
Happy 2019 and I hope it is filled with health and prosperity for you.
Patricia Daigle
(Phoenix, AZ, USA)
27/12/2018 at 13:46
Thanks so much, Patricial. Hope you had a nice Christmas time and will have a good 2019. Greetings from Winterwonderland 🙂
Mario Beckermann
25/12/2018 at 21:06
Just great. I am looking forward to take similar pictures. We are going with Hurtigruten from Bergen to Kirkenes. Hope we will have some luck to see Aurelia Borealis.
27/12/2018 at 13:45
Good luck on the trip with Hurtigruten! Let me know how it was when you return. Hope you see the auroras 🙂
Juha Miettinen
15/05/2019 at 05:55
Somewhere, some day… Till then I will enjoy these nice April photos!
15/05/2019 at 14:14
Thanks Juha! I’ll be more photos from the past season here throughout the ‘daylight’ season 🙂
Nicola Oertel-Mahlfeld Hegholt
15/05/2019 at 17:47
Spool wunderschön…ich hoffe ich schaffe es irgendwann einmal dort hin zu kommen…😍😍😍😍
19/05/2019 at 19:46
Schön, von dir hier zu lesen, Nicola 🙂 Irgendwann klappt es bestimmt!
Virpi Flankkila
23/05/2019 at 19:43
Hieno uutinen, valtaisat onnittelut !! On ilo katsella kuviasi, huikeita revontulien tansseja ja lapin kauniita maisemia. Mukavaa kesän alkua 🙂
24/05/2019 at 11:29
Voi kiitos paljon, Virpi! Kiva tietää että katsot kuviani. Sinullekin mukavaa alkukesää 🙂
20/06/2019 at 21:00
Wonderful thundercloud, ist is really beautiful and scary at the same time. The ambivalence is fascinating, the warmth of sunlight at the horizon and in front this huge dark and threatening cloud with its strange hole in the middle.
I absolutely agree with you that the second one is „pure tranquility“. Midnightsun creates warm and peaceful light which I like very much.
Thank you for sharing. Although it is different to your aurora and winter photos I like these two as well.
Good luck and the right conditions for more summer impressions.
Best wishes and many greetings
21/06/2019 at 08:55
Thanks for your comment, Mandy. I guess those photos seem different to many viewers. Summer is a great time and midnight sun reflections are almost as special as aurora reflections 🙂 Have a nice day!
anna marin
21/06/2019 at 05:54
Absolutly awesome the photos. So relaxing the lake in the night when sun is coming up! Love it sooo much this photo! Great work!
21/06/2019 at 08:57
Thanks a lot, Anna! The mood at the lake was amazing, only some birds were singing and the sun shining from behind, and it was 1am! Enjoy your day 🙂
Anke Meizies
22/06/2019 at 16:39
Lieber Thomas,
auch wenn ich selten kommentiere, so verfolge ich deinen Blog immer mit großer Freude und bin begeistert von deiner Fotografierkunst. Ich tausche mich oft mit Janina aus – aber jetzt muss ich dir doch einmal sagen, wie großartig du die Wunder der Natur einfangen kannst und wie sehr mich deine Fotos berühren. Du verfügst nicht nur über einen besonderen Blick sondern auch über großes Können. Wie schön, dass du das mit uns teilst.
Sei ganz herzlich gegrüßt
23/06/2019 at 19:58
Liebe Anke,
das freut mich aber von dir zu lesen und wunderbar, dass du den Blog verfolgst, obwohl ich doch sehr unregelmässig poste. Vielen Dank für deine netten Worte, es ist mir immer wieder ein Rätsel wie meine Bilder Menschen berühren, aber das ‘muss’ ich wohl annehmen 🙂
Viele Grüsse zurück & einen schönen Wochenanfang, Thomas
anna marin
02/08/2019 at 06:02
The video is breathtaking… so awesome place, so peaceful and full of oxigen! Here in Italy all is so stressful everywhere too many noises and smog, so hard to find a peaceful corner, is like living in apnea.. but when i see this video is like i can breath again! is like a blessing! The foto also are awesome! so peaceful place and the nature is really awesome! Great work Thomas, and thank you for sharing such amaising wonderful place! I’d like to live there!!! best wishes and a great day to you♥
02/08/2019 at 19:10
Thanks for the kind words, Anna! So glad you found a bit peace in watching the video and photos. Life can be very hectic and tiresome. Any break from it is good. Have a lovely day 🙂
Juha Miettinen
11/08/2019 at 07:29
Thank you for sharing this fantastic photo!
11/08/2019 at 15:53
Hi Juha, glad you like it!
Kerttu Torkkola
24/08/2019 at 15:11
Hello Tomas, I will be visiting Finland for the first time in over 50 years in October this year. My 19 yr old granddaughter and I will be driving up to Oulu and then on to Rovaniemi. Where is the best place to see the lights? Thank you for your wonderful photographs. Kiitos Kerttu Torkkola
05/09/2019 at 20:38
Hello Kerttu, good to hear from you! So nice to hear you will be back in Finland after such a long time. Regarding the lights, the more North the better, but also you need clear skies. So keep an eye on the weather forecast 🙂 If you would need a guide, feel free to contact me. Welcome to Finland!
17/03/2020 at 16:48
Thankyou for post and stunning photographs ,reasonably calm in uk ,although stores running out of some items as people are panic buying ,may have to ration some items ,some stores opening earlier for elder folk only, to allow them to shop and get what they need, many working from home that can ,but mainly wartime mantra keep calm and carry on!
17/03/2020 at 20:30
Hi Margarita, thanks for your comment! Glad to hear it’s kinda calm in the UK, I guess there cannot be such a ‘thing’ without some buying things for three months ahead. I like the idea of open for elder folks first, they most be going crazy just staying home all the time. Greetings to the UK and stay safe!
17/03/2020 at 17:08
In the San Francisco Bay Area we are on lockdown – everything closed except essential services (police, fire departments, hospitals, medical offices, gas (petrol) stations, grocery stores). Businesses closed or employees working from home, and anyone 65 and over are supposed to stay indoors for at least the next three weeks. We’re generally upbeat and think we’ll do fine in the end, but apprehensive as well because both wife and myself are over 65. I plan on using this enforced imprisonment to relook at my images from last winter’s trip with you and also my journey to Northern Canada and recent Hawaiian trip. Margarita’s mantra “Keep Calm and Carry On” is good advice for all of us. Stay healthy!
17/03/2020 at 23:10
Thanks for your comment! Lots of restrictions but I like the positive attitude which is a very important part in all of this. Looking forward to see more photos of your trips, of course especially those from our tour in Lapland! Greetings to the Bay Area and your wife. Stay healthy!
17/03/2020 at 17:29
Thank you and stay healthy
17/03/2020 at 23:11
Thanks for the wishes!
Jan Omundson
05/04/2020 at 20:55
Be well…be safe…thank you for your beautiful posts.
09/04/2020 at 16:35
Thanks for the kind words, Jan. Hope you are safe too!
Janet Omundson
19/04/2020 at 02:43
Wow! The angels were with you on that day.
19/04/2020 at 15:28
Very lucky outcome! That was a hard lesson learned. Many greetings!
Anna Marin
19/04/2020 at 07:06
Oh what a wonderful post Thomas, i love how you told it to us, i can immagine all that adventure. So awesome fotos and i am so happy your drone is ok😜 wish you all the best, be safe and many many greetings from my heart♥️
19/04/2020 at 15:29
Afterwards, it is easy to tell and even funny. But on that day not so much 🙂 Many greetings from Finland!
Anna Marin
19/04/2020 at 07:17
Oh Thomas also here in Italy this coronavirus changed all our lifes, wevstay indoor only, we have permission to walk no more then 200m from home and only for necessary reason, of course alone, not in company, all closed, all workers home… Is such a chaos and all people so depressed, but of course they are also good things like nature that now is free from all damages from people, animals are also free and happy now, nobody kills them no more, the roads are empty and the waters and air are clean now… Is like a rebirth of nature. This is soo necessary and so good. Stay safe Thomas i am happy now you spend more time with family and thank you for such awesome post, you made me smile for at rhe boards how you told you are chasing aurora and this is so true, i liked thebway you told it😁 best greetings to you and family, be safe my friend, thank you for so precious fotos♥️
19/04/2020 at 15:32
Yeah, this has definetely two sides, the change in our daily lives and nature healing itself. Let’s hope there will be some permanent changes from this. Glad you liked the post and that it brought a smile for you 🙂 Chasing the lights across borders is such a wonderful thing. Family time even more so! Many greetings and hope you and your loved ones stay safe in Italy!
17/05/2020 at 13:38
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos, capturing Mother Nature in her glories. They have been intriguing! Hope your downtime is filled with many happy moments with your family, and time for new projects.
It has been an eye opening these past few months, as to what is important in our lives. I feel hopeful the world will come out of this pandemic with a better knowledge for the future, & more compassion for one another. Life was definitely changed, but not all bad. It has brought the people of the world closer together in many ways! Please stay safe😊
17/05/2020 at 16:06
Hi Kathy, thanks for your comment. Eye opening is a very fitting expression for this. Yes, I hope so too that the world is coming out of this wiser and more appreciative of others around us and what we have 🙂
22/05/2020 at 05:08
Hi Thomas! Nice exposures both, but I like the first one better. There the water and waves are not so dominant.
Thanks for sharing and keep safe!
22/05/2020 at 13:47
Thanks Juha! I’m a long exposure fan, so I’m right there with you 🙂
29/05/2020 at 19:38
Hello Thomas!
This picture makes me remember autumn 1975 when my annual leave was in September, I had opportunity to take a little boat and go camping on a little island on Lake Saimaa. Days were still relatively warm but nights were a little below zero. Sitting by campfire, looking at sunset and feeling nature around was very nice. Dark at 19:00 and light again at 05:00, 9-to 10 huors of deep sleep. Simple life but enjoyed it.
One picture, waking so much memories. Thank you!
PS. I agree. Sometimes I want to read your comments. Sometimes I like to comment myself.
Marjo Slingerland-Boks
30/05/2020 at 18:54
Hi Thomas,
For me this picture says what is nature beautiful and peaceful. I love the difference in the sky.
And it is always nice to hear the thoughts from the photographer him self behind the picture.
I am not so often on FB but always love it to see your work. Hope all is well with you and your family.
Greetings Marjo
31/05/2020 at 13:19
Hi Marjo, so nice you stopped by here! I’m a bit less on FB and IG myself, concentrating more on the blog. I agree, nature has so much beauty and we don’t have to go far. All is well here, hope it’s the same for you and your loved ones. Greetings back from Finland!
31/05/2020 at 13:16
Hi Juha, thanks for your thoughts and taking us along back to autumn 1975. Lake Saimaa is such a beautiful area. Being connected to nature by the campfire, it is simple as you say but it is so fulfilling! Have a nice Sunday 🙂
18/06/2020 at 19:38
I live in SE Finland, Lappeenranta. When storm rises from east, it is usually quite strong. But luckily only a few times per summer. My srongist storm was in 1972 in Savonlinna. I could write about it a long and boring story. But maybe not, haha!
Happy Midsummer!
18/06/2020 at 20:27
Thanks for the comment, Juha! I’m sure the story about the 72 storm is not boring at all 🙂 You live in a wonderful area, I’ve been there once during summer, so many nice locations. Mukavaa Juhannusta!
21/06/2020 at 20:08
Such a beautiful island in all seasons. Great project! Thanks for sharing🌷🌞❄⛄
22/06/2020 at 12:48
Glad you enjoyed the different seasons, Kathy 🙂
13/08/2020 at 05:54
Amaising great fotos Thomas, so many thanks for the share! Awesome!Oh, yes, definitively the feeling comes to me too: butterflies in my stomach , sooo big emotion! Best greetings from Italy and stay safe you too, much love♥
14/08/2020 at 09:42
Glad you can relate to that feeling, Anna, thanks for sharing! Many greetings to Italy 🙂
15/08/2020 at 11:06
Hi Thomas,
totally agree with you and Anna!
I love your photos. Thank you for sharing with us and please keep on doing it and bring smile on our faces :-D….
Stay safe! With love from Slovenia <3
18/08/2020 at 12:54
Thanks so much for the kind words, Vera! Glad you feel the same way 🙂 Many greetings to Slovenia!
26/08/2020 at 17:39
wowowowowow, so cool!!! and yay, you’re sharing it with us 😊 looking forward to more as the season is starting 😊
30/08/2020 at 20:48
Thanks so much, Janina! It was quite the experience 🙂 Many greetings
26/08/2020 at 19:36
Very nice! Thanks for sharing your dream. What next? Auroras with tornado? Good luck and dream on!
30/08/2020 at 20:50
🙂 Tornado-Aurora, that sounds just crazy enough to dream about. I got some dreams for aurora combos but I enjoy every night. Just never know what will happen. Take care!
Terry Fleckney
18/09/2020 at 18:53
Wow, that is fantastic!
22/09/2020 at 13:25
So happy you like it. Thanks, Terry!
19/09/2020 at 05:25
stunning, those colors in the sky must be incredible to see – thank you for sharing all these beautiful photos ❤️
22/09/2020 at 13:26
It sure was very special to see this show in the sky, almost more mesmerizing than the auroras 🙂 Thanks for your comment, Janina!
Martin Bodmer
19/09/2020 at 07:33
Machst du wieder einen Kalender? Gerne hätte ich eines dieser Bilder vergrössert in meinem Büro… Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
22/09/2020 at 13:28
Hallo Martin, ja, ich hab einen Kalender und verkaufe auch Fotodrucke. Hab deine Email gesehen, melde mich bald. Schön, dass dir die Fotos so gut gefallen! Liebe Grüsse in die schöne Schweiz 🙂
19/09/2020 at 08:30
Congratulations Thomas! Amazing photos
19/09/2020 at 16:06
Valtaisat onnittelut, ihan huippukuvia !👌👌👌
22/09/2020 at 13:29
Kiitos paljon, Virpi! Sattui sellainen päivä että voi vaan ihmetellä mitä taivaalla tapahtuu.
22/09/2020 at 13:28
Thanks so much, Juha! The sky was colorful on that day!
19/09/2020 at 13:45
Amaising foto video and post Thomas, Congratulations!! Every morning i go by car at work and listen the radio named RMC radio monte carlo, then they told about you!!! Yes!! At the radio i heard about you and your fotos😁 i was crazy of proudness and happiness, beeing your italian friend feom so many years😁 thank you Thomas for sharing such amaising unique moments, awesome the foto!! Wish you all tha best and stay safe also you, best rehards, Anna
22/09/2020 at 13:30
Thanks for your kind comment, Anna. They talked in the Italian radio about me and my photos? Really?! That’s unbelievable! I’d love to hear that someday 🙂 So happy to have you as Italian friend for so long! Stay safe!
Michael McIntier
19/12/2020 at 16:42
Thank you!
19/12/2020 at 16:49
You’re welcome! Hope you have clear skies on Monday 🙂
Francesco Cappello
24/01/2021 at 11:26
The “natural” coming out of the camera with slight adjustments – like you do it – this is the way it should be ! Best regards Francesco
25/01/2021 at 16:49
Thanks, Francesco, glad you like that also 🙂 Many greetings!
24/01/2021 at 18:02
Hi Thomas
Thank you for the informative explanation. It’s very interesting as I really had not thought of the difference before. by the way, I am a fan of your editing😊.
Have a great day,!
25/01/2021 at 16:50
Glad you enjoyed the read, Kathy, and happy to hear like the edit 🙂 Many greetings
Hei Thomas, luen aina mielelläni sinun blogiasi ja katson ihaillen uskomattoman kauniita kuvia. Sinulla on todellakin taito vangita revontulia ja suomen luontoa kaikkina vuodenaikoina.
Blogin tilaamiskohdassa on jokin virhe, silllä kun kirjoitan siihen oman s-postiosoitteeni se ilmoittaa punaisella taustalla: mm. You don’t have permission to access /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php on this server. Tämä kannattaa sinun tarkistaa.
Ystävällisin terveisin Virpi
Hei Virpi,
kiitos kommentista ja mukavista sanoistasi. On kyllä tosi kiva kuulla että nautit kuvistani. Joo, tilaamisnappi pitää korjata, hyvä kun kerroit siitä. Ilmoitelen kun asia on korjattu. Toivottavasti pian 🙂
Mukavaa kesäpäivää
Splendid! I love scenes like this…The sun’s rising is the final touch, in a theatrical environment.
Thanks for the kind words, Helena! The yellow color on the right horizon is unfortunately not the sun rise but artificial lights from a village. Glad to have you here, enjoy your day! 🙂
Salut from France,
Hopefully I speak english. I went to Iceland and Norway to see aurora borealis. I saw one very gorgeous in Norway near the russian boarder.
I find your website very nice and your snapshots are very very amazing as if you are part of the Nature.
Weldone and continue what you are doing with your camera !
Hello Anne, bonjour,
your English is great! Glad you found your way to my blog. So happy to hear you saw the aurora borealis. I suppose you were somewhere near Kirkenes? I’ve never seen auroras in Iceland – yet.
Have a lovely day,
Nice update Thomas! Looking forward to seeing the broadcast. Can you translate? Just kidding… but no really, I don’t speak German or French. Nice pictures and trailer as well. Glad to see some recent posts.
Hey Matthew, nice to see you here! It’s good to be back finally. Sure, I can translate, got nothing else to do haha 🙂 I’m afraid there are no English subtitles. Have a nice day!
I am looking forward to seeing the video,very much. The initial stills look as promising as ever!!
I read that you are going to translate for us non German/ French speakers. For this I too am grateful and am humbled!!
Thank you, in anticipation!!
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Hi Helena, good to hear from you. It’s very exciting how the video will come out. I’m sorry if my writing was misleading. Unfortunately I will not be able to translate that all for the non German/French speakers. It would be too much. Hope you understand. Have a nice afternoon!
Thank you for posting your beautiful photographs! Someday, I hope to see an Aurora live and in person!
Hello Alison, thanks for your kind words! I’m sure you would love the Aurora dance. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you will see it someday 🙂
Hi Thomas….looking forward to watching the upcoming video. How exciting of an experience for you…..hope more adventures come your way ?
Hi Kathy, thanks so much for your kind words! I’m not sure if to work was more exciting or the anticipation of watching the result for the first time 🙂 Have a great day
Time blocked on my calendar, reminders set, looking forward to seeing you on tv during my lunch break!
Seriously, congratulations! This is incredible. They were very smart to book you as their guide.
Hello Janina, sounds great! They sure know how to book the right guide haha 🙂 Enjoy your day
Hi Thomas,
On Thursday it was a great challenge for me to leave my work in time to be at home when the TV Show on Arte starts. Fortunately I did it somehow?
When I was watching you and the surrounding of Hetta on TV I felt a little bit like coming home. Seeing the wounderful landscapes in Lapland and you passionately speaking about auroras was a pleasure. Recognizing even some beautiful pictures of you made me very happy. CONGRATULATIONS??
I can hardly wait to come back soon!
Hi Mandy,
Great to see you here! And I’m happy you caught the show on Arte. Surely it brought many nice memories back to you, seeing familiar spots from our tours. When I saw the production I didn’t even remember the photos and was surprised seeing them 🙂 Thanks for your kind comment & enjoy your day!
to be continued… 🙂 looking forward to hearing and see more!!! THANKS!
Glad you enjoyed it, Janina 🙂 I’m pretty sure the word mind-blowing sums up the next part 🙂 Have a lovely day
What a fantastic blog and suds a beautiful pictures Thomas 🙂
Thanks, Marjo, happy you like it. Have a nice day 🙂
love it !
Thanks, Francesco, danke dir 🙂 Viele Grüsse
Enjoyed that mo chara, will be waiting for part Two
Glad to hear, Micheál. Part two is in the making, so to say.
Looking forward to the next instalment. You always capture amazing shots of the aurora
Thanks for the kind words, Jan. Auroras are definitely my passion 🙂 Have a wonderful day
So looking forward to part 2….such a beautiful evening on the water & sky!
It surely was, Kathy. The aurora borealis was great and I would have been happily gone back to sleep with these photos in my pocket. Have a great day!
Reading your Blog and enjoying your beautiful photos saved my day. Can’ t wait to find out more details about this unique experience. Wish I could have been there.
Glad to hear the photos helped you, Frank! It was really something and I’m sure you will enjoy the next photos as well. You would have loved it under the skies!
Hello, really for me it is the second one. More colours, I like it better. Phil from Geneva , Switzerland
Thanks, Phil. I suppose it is more dynamic and that hint of purple does some magic 🙂 Greetings to Geneva!
Molemmat ovat upeita, mutta toi toinen otos on vaan lumoavampi väreineen ja muotoineen,
Kiitti, Maria. Siinä kyllä jotain dynaamisempi kun ekalla. Itse tykkään kun on pikku aavistus violetistä 🙂 Mukavaa päivää sinulle
Molemmat hyviä. Toinen kuva tuo mieleen taivaan urut. Lieneekö J. S. Bach soittelemassa?
Kyllä Bachin musiikki olisi sopinut tuohon. Vaikka joku Toccata. Mielenkiintoinen havainto, kiitos!
WOW Thomas this are suds a magical photo’s and one day i hope to see her on this way. Even i am still happy that i have see here 😉
For me are picture 2 and 5 favorite.
Thanks for that, Marjo. 2 and 5 have that magic of the moon in it two 🙂 Hopefully you will see here dancing wild like this, it’s very different but all shapes are great. Enjoy the weekend!
Der absolute Wahnsinn!!!!! Innerhalb von 4min so atemberaubende Fotos, das ist wirklich ganz außergewöhnlich und eine denkwürdige Nacht, die wir dank deiner mitreißenden Schilderungen auch nicht so schnell vergessen werden. DANKE!
Für mich ist Foto 4 das beste, weil es scheint als würde ein grüner Nebel magisch auf dem Wasser liegen, das so klar ist, dass man die Steine auf dem Grund sehen kann.
Liebe Grüße und bis bald😉
Wahnsinn passt hier ziemlich gut, Mandy. Schön, dass ich euch durch den Blog mitnehmen konnte 🙂 Die Steine im Wasser bei Nr 4 gefallen mir auch gut. Liebe Grüsse zurück und bis bald schon 🙂
These are gorgeous. I always await your images with great anticipation.
Thanks so much, Patti. Glad you enjoy the imagery. Have a nice day 🙂
Hi Thomas…these photos are spectacular! I love them all, but my favourites are 4 & 5. #4 first because. I love the texture of the rocks in the water along with the reflection of of the beautiful Auroras!
Hi Kathy, thanks for your kind words. I love #4 too, those rocks give the water a nice depth. Enjoy your day 🙂
Very nice pics. Can’t say which I like most.
Beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more.
Glad you like it, Matthew. Lots more coming, it’s tough to keep up with clear nights ahead 🙂
I have say it earlier Thomas i have so many respect for you to do this hard work. Also I can understand it. What a lovely and beautiful picture from her. Waiting for more beautiful pictures here 😊
There is just something about this phenomenom which keeps me going. You saw her, so you know what I mean 🙂 Thanks for your kind words!
Somehow this reminds me of a book called “The restaurant at the end of the world”.
Maybe it’s perspective, cannot see anything behind the cabin. Only raging auroras on the sky
I like this picture very much.
Thanks Juha, your reminder isn’t too wrong. The world does not end behind cabin but the land does. Barents Sea is all there is then towards North. Glad you like this one. Have a nice weekend 🙂
Sorry! The book is of course “The restaurant at the end of universe”
Hi Thomas…you have such a gift for seeing the beauty in Mother Natures & getting the perfect photos…thanks for sharing…looking forward to more.📷
Hi Kathy, thanks for the kind words, glad you like it. Mother Nature shows us so many nice things, I think it’s just about keeping the eyes wide open 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!
Ride of Valkyries? Or Come to Daddy.
Very nice composition anyway.
Thanks for these, Juha. I like the second one 🙂
Simply magical. Thank you for spreading a sense of peace and quiet with your stunning photos. 💙
I’m so glad that my photos have this effect. Thanks for the kind words, Janina 🙂
Einfach unglaublich schön. Und was für eine wundervolle Stimmung.
Fantastisch was der Frost in der Natur zaubert.
Ja, da nimmt man doch gerne die Temperaturen in Kauf! Danke dir, Mandy
Two beauties in one shot👍🏻 Perfect composition.
Thanks so much, Mandy! 🙂 It was fun to do some different photos with auroras in the background.
Hallo Thomas, ganz tolle Bilder. Bekomme Heimweh nach Oulu und nördlich. Bin ein alter Fennofiili und durfte in den Siebzigern und Achtzigern ähnliche schöne Bilder im Raum Kemijärvi sehen. Heute sendest du sie mir frei Haus. Vielen Dank.
Hallo Heiner, vielen Dank für dein Kommentar. Oh, in der Zeit wäre ich gerne hier gewesen. Es würde mich sehr interessieren, was in den Siebzigern über Polarlichter bekannt war 🙂 Viele Grüsse
Pakkanen paukuu nurkissa!
Ah, du sprichst auch Finnisch, hieno homma!
Kyllä on kaunista !
Kiitoksia, Virpi! Oli se upea hetki siellä. Mukavaa alkuviikkoa 🙂
Carried away by a moonlight shadow…. Magic picture!
Thank you, Juha. That song is very fitting 🙂
A Beacon of light calling for the Frost Flowers to rise & be seen for their beauty❄
What a lovely caption, Kathy, thank you! Enjoy your Monday 🙂
ich hab´s unbedingt auf meiner facebook-seite teilen müssen — danke für deine traumhaften bilder — glg elfriede
Ja, super, Elfriede. Das freut mich aber 🙂 glgz, Thomas
Ein Traum!
Dankeschön, Helga 🙂 Da ist man plötzlich hellwach! Viele Grüsse
Wie ein Sommernachtstraum. Wunderschön und unglaublich idyllisch. Für diese paar Minuten wartet man doch gern stundenlang mitten in der Nacht.
Ja, aber sowas von 🙂 Was besseres gibt es fast nicht. Viele Grüsse
Jaki piękny swiat! Gratuluję foto:)
Thank you, glad you like it. Have a nice day 🙂
Das blaue Licht am Saana passt gut zum grün der Polarlichter.
Klasse Farben.
Ja, das war etwas besonderes. Am nächsten Abend hat dann ‘nur’ das Mondlicht und etwas Polarlicht den Saana angestrahlt 🙂
Kiitos blogeista ja kauniista kuvista . Toivon sinulle ja perheellesi oikein mukavaa ja rauhallista Joulun aikaa ja riemukasta Uutta Vuuotta :))
Kiitos paljon, Virpi. Sinullekin rauhallista joulun aikaa ja hyvä alku uudelle vuodelle 🙂
Your photos are beautiful and I always look forward to seeing them..will look forward to seeing more in the new year..a very happy Christmas to you.
Thanks for your kind words, Jaqueline, you’ll see a lot in the new year 🙂 Happy holidays!
So beautiful! Touching photos of lovely Finland.
Thanks for commenting, Stella. Glad you enjoy the photos 🙂
Merry Christmas! Thank you for impressing photos of northern lights. I always wait impatiently for your new posts. Elzbieta
Thank you for your patience, Elzbieta! I’d love to post more frequently but this autumn the days didn’t have enough hours. Merry Christmas 🙂
WOW, hard to imagine a more beautiful way to spend New Year’s Eve 💙💚❄️ Thank you for always sharing with us!!!
Glad you liked it! Indeed, this is the best way and the best fireworks one can see 🙂
Loved reading this and seeing the amazing photos and video…what a way to see the new year in..top of my list to see the aurora!!💚💜⛄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
Thanks, Jacqueline, so happy to hear that. You’d love to see those lights dancing, I’m sure! 🙂
Szczesliwego Nowego Roku oraz w dalszym ciagu przepieknych zdjęć zorzy!
Thank you, Elzbieta! Luckily there is translation online, so you can keep writing in your own language 🙂 happy new year!
Aww Thomas…just a beautiful way to bring in the new year, with such lovely photos! I especially love the first with the moon in the trees….thank you for these, as they are uplifting to the spirit! Happy New Year to you & your family.🎆📷⛄
Surely the best way to celebrate, I agree, Kathy 🙂 That moonlight is my favorite too! Almost more magical than the Northern lights in that winter landscape. Happy New Year to your family too 🙂
It has been an unfogettable night!!! Thank you Thomas!!!
Hi, so glad to know you enjoyed this tour 🙂 Have a great day!
Wonderful impression oft the short winterdaysl I’d wish to be there, too…
Even the days are still kind of short, the light is that much more magical. You should come and visit soon!
You are a master in seeking nature’s beauty most of us overlook. As always, thank you for sharing your vision! Looking forward to what’s happening in good time 💙
The beauty is out there. Everyone can master seeing it, we just have to keep our eyes and mind open 🙂
I like it because of the tracks leading to somewhere far away. I imagine the sky painter has walked there and done that beautiful sight. Thank you, Thomas!
That’s a nice thought about the sky painter, Juha. I love these tracks and always search for them in snow. Have a nice day 🙂
Eerily beautiful…thanks for sharing & for astronomy lesson Thomas.
Thanks for the kind comment, Kathy. Have a nice day 🙂
Kakslauttanen was created by Jussi Eiramo in 1974 after he fell in love with the beautiful nature of Lapland, having gotten stranded there when he ran out of fuel.
Very true. Read the story about that. Somethings the right things happen 🙂
As always Thomas…the beauty in your photos are beautiful & thought provoking in wonderful ways…love this! 🌗❄️
Thanks so much, Kathy. Have a lovely Sunday 🙂
Hast du dein Mondbild bekommen? Sind sehr schöne Bilder. Das rechte Bild kommt mir bekannt vor😉
Hm, bin nicht sicher, welches Mondbild du meinst, Frank. Bin aber mit der Ausbeute einigermassen zufrieden 🙂 Rechts war etwas südlicher aber Strassenpolarlichter hatten wir ja auch Anfang des Jahres 😉 Viele Grüsse
I think the top photo is the best. It’s because of your lighting, the tops of a few trees and then the snow trails also brightened by your flashlight. I didn’t see the animal tracks for awhile due to the upward focus due to lighting. If you get another try I hope you can get some friends with bright flashlights to experiment with differing lighting patterns, you probably will get more shots of beauty as are these. Overall this is a very stunning photo, I just love it! Congratulations on your happy accident. Regards Robert
Thanks for writing your thoughts, Robert. I most definitely will try out more with snowflakes and you are right, it would be great to have someone with me. It was nearly impossible to remember the position. Intrigued by the idea of more than one flashlight too. Have a great day 🙂
Absolutely beautiful images …smokin !! man it looks cold , hope you’ve got some herbal medicine to keep you warm..
keep up the great work..regards from Australia
Hi Rok, thanks a bunch! It wasn’t too cold, just gotta wear enough layers 🙂 Greetings to Australia!
Beautiful pics as always..love seeing the winters landscapes and aurora too of course.thank you for sharing this with us…you have the best job ever!⛄️❄️😀Jacqueline…
Thanks so much, Jacqueline. I can’t complain about the job 😀 Many greetings!
Beautiful!!i love the winter pics but so lovely seeing everywhere comeback to life and Spring taking hold.as always thank you for sharing with us…💫💫💫
Thanks, Jacqueline! Even as a winter person, it’s hard not be drawn to the magic of spring 🙂 Have a lovely day
Hi! My favorite is Haze. Makes me want to wander and reveal the secrets hidden in haze.
Haze is a good choice, especially for the reason you write. There seems to be so much to discover 🙂
Oioioi!! 🙂 is like “WOOOW!!” My mom is russian we used always to say oi oi oi!! when to exclamate a biiig surprise! Awesomr foto!! Amaising! ♥
Oi oi oi, so happy to hear it’s used in Russian, such a small world 🙂 Glad you like the photo to, Anna. Have a nice day 🙂
Wounderful! Love these boats, NLCs and the Lady dancing for the first time this season. Loosing some sleep was the very best decision last night!
Thank you, Mandy! This is only the third time I managed to capture the aurora-NLC combo, so sleep really isn’t too important 🙂
Haha! Nice trick. I like winter more. Winter is a promise of new summer. Autumn is the leftovers of summer.
Thanks Juha! I like your logic with the leftovers and promise.
Beautiful pictures and nice animation. Makes me want to visit Finland again… The nature is just so beautiful!
Still great memories of our aurora tour in Oulu. I felt in love with the northern countries…
Greetings from Belgium
Cheers, Michael! Hope you’ll have a chance to come back soon. So glad to hear our tour stayed in your memory. Greetings from Oulu 🙂
Beautiful as always. Merry Christmas to you and your family Thomas.
Happy 2019 and I hope it is filled with health and prosperity for you.
Patricia Daigle
(Phoenix, AZ, USA)
Thanks so much, Patricial. Hope you had a nice Christmas time and will have a good 2019. Greetings from Winterwonderland 🙂
Just great. I am looking forward to take similar pictures. We are going with Hurtigruten from Bergen to Kirkenes. Hope we will have some luck to see Aurelia Borealis.
Good luck on the trip with Hurtigruten! Let me know how it was when you return. Hope you see the auroras 🙂
Somewhere, some day… Till then I will enjoy these nice April photos!
Thanks Juha! I’ll be more photos from the past season here throughout the ‘daylight’ season 🙂
Spool wunderschön…ich hoffe ich schaffe es irgendwann einmal dort hin zu kommen…😍😍😍😍
Schön, von dir hier zu lesen, Nicola 🙂 Irgendwann klappt es bestimmt!
Hieno uutinen, valtaisat onnittelut !! On ilo katsella kuviasi, huikeita revontulien tansseja ja lapin kauniita maisemia. Mukavaa kesän alkua 🙂
Voi kiitos paljon, Virpi! Kiva tietää että katsot kuviani. Sinullekin mukavaa alkukesää 🙂
Wonderful thundercloud, ist is really beautiful and scary at the same time. The ambivalence is fascinating, the warmth of sunlight at the horizon and in front this huge dark and threatening cloud with its strange hole in the middle.
I absolutely agree with you that the second one is „pure tranquility“. Midnightsun creates warm and peaceful light which I like very much.
Thank you for sharing. Although it is different to your aurora and winter photos I like these two as well.
Good luck and the right conditions for more summer impressions.
Best wishes and many greetings
Thanks for your comment, Mandy. I guess those photos seem different to many viewers. Summer is a great time and midnight sun reflections are almost as special as aurora reflections 🙂 Have a nice day!
Absolutly awesome the photos. So relaxing the lake in the night when sun is coming up! Love it sooo much this photo! Great work!
Thanks a lot, Anna! The mood at the lake was amazing, only some birds were singing and the sun shining from behind, and it was 1am! Enjoy your day 🙂
Lieber Thomas,
auch wenn ich selten kommentiere, so verfolge ich deinen Blog immer mit großer Freude und bin begeistert von deiner Fotografierkunst. Ich tausche mich oft mit Janina aus – aber jetzt muss ich dir doch einmal sagen, wie großartig du die Wunder der Natur einfangen kannst und wie sehr mich deine Fotos berühren. Du verfügst nicht nur über einen besonderen Blick sondern auch über großes Können. Wie schön, dass du das mit uns teilst.
Sei ganz herzlich gegrüßt
Liebe Anke,
das freut mich aber von dir zu lesen und wunderbar, dass du den Blog verfolgst, obwohl ich doch sehr unregelmässig poste. Vielen Dank für deine netten Worte, es ist mir immer wieder ein Rätsel wie meine Bilder Menschen berühren, aber das ‘muss’ ich wohl annehmen 🙂
Viele Grüsse zurück & einen schönen Wochenanfang, Thomas
The video is breathtaking… so awesome place, so peaceful and full of oxigen! Here in Italy all is so stressful everywhere too many noises and smog, so hard to find a peaceful corner, is like living in apnea.. but when i see this video is like i can breath again! is like a blessing! The foto also are awesome! so peaceful place and the nature is really awesome! Great work Thomas, and thank you for sharing such amaising wonderful place! I’d like to live there!!! best wishes and a great day to you♥
Thanks for the kind words, Anna! So glad you found a bit peace in watching the video and photos. Life can be very hectic and tiresome. Any break from it is good. Have a lovely day 🙂
Thank you for sharing this fantastic photo!
Hi Juha, glad you like it!
Hello Tomas, I will be visiting Finland for the first time in over 50 years in October this year. My 19 yr old granddaughter and I will be driving up to Oulu and then on to Rovaniemi. Where is the best place to see the lights? Thank you for your wonderful photographs. Kiitos Kerttu Torkkola
Hello Kerttu, good to hear from you! So nice to hear you will be back in Finland after such a long time. Regarding the lights, the more North the better, but also you need clear skies. So keep an eye on the weather forecast 🙂 If you would need a guide, feel free to contact me. Welcome to Finland!
Thankyou for post and stunning photographs ,reasonably calm in uk ,although stores running out of some items as people are panic buying ,may have to ration some items ,some stores opening earlier for elder folk only, to allow them to shop and get what they need, many working from home that can ,but mainly wartime mantra keep calm and carry on!
Hi Margarita, thanks for your comment! Glad to hear it’s kinda calm in the UK, I guess there cannot be such a ‘thing’ without some buying things for three months ahead. I like the idea of open for elder folks first, they most be going crazy just staying home all the time. Greetings to the UK and stay safe!
In the San Francisco Bay Area we are on lockdown – everything closed except essential services (police, fire departments, hospitals, medical offices, gas (petrol) stations, grocery stores). Businesses closed or employees working from home, and anyone 65 and over are supposed to stay indoors for at least the next three weeks. We’re generally upbeat and think we’ll do fine in the end, but apprehensive as well because both wife and myself are over 65. I plan on using this enforced imprisonment to relook at my images from last winter’s trip with you and also my journey to Northern Canada and recent Hawaiian trip. Margarita’s mantra “Keep Calm and Carry On” is good advice for all of us. Stay healthy!
Thanks for your comment! Lots of restrictions but I like the positive attitude which is a very important part in all of this. Looking forward to see more photos of your trips, of course especially those from our tour in Lapland! Greetings to the Bay Area and your wife. Stay healthy!
Thank you and stay healthy
Thanks for the wishes!
Be well…be safe…thank you for your beautiful posts.
Thanks for the kind words, Jan. Hope you are safe too!
Wow! The angels were with you on that day.
Very lucky outcome! That was a hard lesson learned. Many greetings!
Oh what a wonderful post Thomas, i love how you told it to us, i can immagine all that adventure. So awesome fotos and i am so happy your drone is ok😜 wish you all the best, be safe and many many greetings from my heart♥️
Afterwards, it is easy to tell and even funny. But on that day not so much 🙂 Many greetings from Finland!
Oh Thomas also here in Italy this coronavirus changed all our lifes, wevstay indoor only, we have permission to walk no more then 200m from home and only for necessary reason, of course alone, not in company, all closed, all workers home… Is such a chaos and all people so depressed, but of course they are also good things like nature that now is free from all damages from people, animals are also free and happy now, nobody kills them no more, the roads are empty and the waters and air are clean now… Is like a rebirth of nature. This is soo necessary and so good. Stay safe Thomas i am happy now you spend more time with family and thank you for such awesome post, you made me smile for at rhe boards how you told you are chasing aurora and this is so true, i liked thebway you told it😁 best greetings to you and family, be safe my friend, thank you for so precious fotos♥️
Yeah, this has definetely two sides, the change in our daily lives and nature healing itself. Let’s hope there will be some permanent changes from this. Glad you liked the post and that it brought a smile for you 🙂 Chasing the lights across borders is such a wonderful thing. Family time even more so! Many greetings and hope you and your loved ones stay safe in Italy!
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos, capturing Mother Nature in her glories. They have been intriguing! Hope your downtime is filled with many happy moments with your family, and time for new projects.
It has been an eye opening these past few months, as to what is important in our lives. I feel hopeful the world will come out of this pandemic with a better knowledge for the future, & more compassion for one another. Life was definitely changed, but not all bad. It has brought the people of the world closer together in many ways! Please stay safe😊
Hi Kathy, thanks for your comment. Eye opening is a very fitting expression for this. Yes, I hope so too that the world is coming out of this wiser and more appreciative of others around us and what we have 🙂
Hi Thomas! Nice exposures both, but I like the first one better. There the water and waves are not so dominant.
Thanks for sharing and keep safe!
Thanks Juha! I’m a long exposure fan, so I’m right there with you 🙂
Hello Thomas!
This picture makes me remember autumn 1975 when my annual leave was in September, I had opportunity to take a little boat and go camping on a little island on Lake Saimaa. Days were still relatively warm but nights were a little below zero. Sitting by campfire, looking at sunset and feeling nature around was very nice. Dark at 19:00 and light again at 05:00, 9-to 10 huors of deep sleep. Simple life but enjoyed it.
One picture, waking so much memories. Thank you!
PS. I agree. Sometimes I want to read your comments. Sometimes I like to comment myself.
Hi Thomas,
For me this picture says what is nature beautiful and peaceful. I love the difference in the sky.
And it is always nice to hear the thoughts from the photographer him self behind the picture.
I am not so often on FB but always love it to see your work. Hope all is well with you and your family.
Greetings Marjo
Hi Marjo, so nice you stopped by here! I’m a bit less on FB and IG myself, concentrating more on the blog. I agree, nature has so much beauty and we don’t have to go far. All is well here, hope it’s the same for you and your loved ones. Greetings back from Finland!
Hi Juha, thanks for your thoughts and taking us along back to autumn 1975. Lake Saimaa is such a beautiful area. Being connected to nature by the campfire, it is simple as you say but it is so fulfilling! Have a nice Sunday 🙂
I live in SE Finland, Lappeenranta. When storm rises from east, it is usually quite strong. But luckily only a few times per summer. My srongist storm was in 1972 in Savonlinna. I could write about it a long and boring story. But maybe not, haha!
Happy Midsummer!
Thanks for the comment, Juha! I’m sure the story about the 72 storm is not boring at all 🙂 You live in a wonderful area, I’ve been there once during summer, so many nice locations. Mukavaa Juhannusta!
Such a beautiful island in all seasons. Great project! Thanks for sharing🌷🌞❄⛄
Glad you enjoyed the different seasons, Kathy 🙂
Amaising great fotos Thomas, so many thanks for the share! Awesome!Oh, yes, definitively the feeling comes to me too: butterflies in my stomach , sooo big emotion! Best greetings from Italy and stay safe you too, much love♥
Glad you can relate to that feeling, Anna, thanks for sharing! Many greetings to Italy 🙂
Hi Thomas,
totally agree with you and Anna!
I love your photos. Thank you for sharing with us and please keep on doing it and bring smile on our faces :-D….
Stay safe! With love from Slovenia <3
Thanks so much for the kind words, Vera! Glad you feel the same way 🙂 Many greetings to Slovenia!
wowowowowow, so cool!!! and yay, you’re sharing it with us 😊 looking forward to more as the season is starting 😊
Thanks so much, Janina! It was quite the experience 🙂 Many greetings
Very nice! Thanks for sharing your dream. What next? Auroras with tornado? Good luck and dream on!
🙂 Tornado-Aurora, that sounds just crazy enough to dream about. I got some dreams for aurora combos but I enjoy every night. Just never know what will happen. Take care!
Wow, that is fantastic!
So happy you like it. Thanks, Terry!
stunning, those colors in the sky must be incredible to see – thank you for sharing all these beautiful photos ❤️
It sure was very special to see this show in the sky, almost more mesmerizing than the auroras 🙂 Thanks for your comment, Janina!
Machst du wieder einen Kalender? Gerne hätte ich eines dieser Bilder vergrössert in meinem Büro… Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Hallo Martin, ja, ich hab einen Kalender und verkaufe auch Fotodrucke. Hab deine Email gesehen, melde mich bald. Schön, dass dir die Fotos so gut gefallen! Liebe Grüsse in die schöne Schweiz 🙂
Congratulations Thomas! Amazing photos
Valtaisat onnittelut, ihan huippukuvia !👌👌👌
Kiitos paljon, Virpi! Sattui sellainen päivä että voi vaan ihmetellä mitä taivaalla tapahtuu.
Thanks so much, Juha! The sky was colorful on that day!
Amaising foto video and post Thomas, Congratulations!! Every morning i go by car at work and listen the radio named RMC radio monte carlo, then they told about you!!! Yes!! At the radio i heard about you and your fotos😁 i was crazy of proudness and happiness, beeing your italian friend feom so many years😁 thank you Thomas for sharing such amaising unique moments, awesome the foto!! Wish you all tha best and stay safe also you, best rehards, Anna
Thanks for your kind comment, Anna. They talked in the Italian radio about me and my photos? Really?! That’s unbelievable! I’d love to hear that someday 🙂 So happy to have you as Italian friend for so long! Stay safe!
Thank you!
You’re welcome! Hope you have clear skies on Monday 🙂
The “natural” coming out of the camera with slight adjustments – like you do it – this is the way it should be ! Best regards Francesco
Thanks, Francesco, glad you like that also 🙂 Many greetings!
Hi Thomas
Thank you for the informative explanation. It’s very interesting as I really had not thought of the difference before. by the way, I am a fan of your editing😊.
Have a great day,!
Glad you enjoyed the read, Kathy, and happy to hear like the edit 🙂 Many greetings